
Construction Attention—HDPE Corrugated Pipe


In view of its unique structural design and high efficiency and economy in engineering applications, HDPE double-wall corrugated pipe is widely used,however, in the construction process, we still need to pay attention to the following requirements:

1.**Pipe Laying Specifications**

Normally, pipelines should be laid in straight lines. When the pipeline is located under the motorway, the thickness of soil cover shall not be less than 0.7 meters. If the pipeline needs to cross the railroad or high-grade highway, it must be set up protective casing made of reinforced concrete, cast iron and other materials, and the casing design needs to be in line with the relevant standards of the roadbed.

2.**Trench Excavation Standard**

The width of trench bottom shall be determined by pipe OD plus 0.6 meters. In the excavation process, if there are hard objects or other obstacles at the bottom of the trench, make sure to remove them so that the construction workers can complete the operation smoothly.

3.**Construction Requirements Under Special Climatic Conditions**

When rain or snow is encountered, the length of the trench excavation should be minimized. If water accumulates in the trench, it should be drained in time. At the same time, we should ensure that excavation and backfilling are completed quickly to avoid affecting the stability of the trench.

The above points need to be paid special attention in the use of HDPE double wall corrugated pipe for construction matters, and these guidelines could ensure project quality and safety.


Henan Jinquan Plastic Industry Co., Ltd.

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